Consult. Prepare. Deploy.

During a crisis your organization is understaffed, leaving you vulnerable and unable to serve your patients fully. It is a time of high stress and emotion. Our goal is to mitigate that stress and help you get back to doing what you do best.

We consult with organizations like yours so you can respond quickly during a crisis or strike. After assessing your needs, we deploy clinical and non-clinical experts to hospitals, nursing homes, employers, state governments, airlines, prisons and more across the country.

Our expert resources quickly come to your aid when and where they are needed.

Update My Critical Information for Strike Assignments

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming strikes this fall. We are actively recruiting for multiple strikes this fall. To qualify for submission or consideration it is imperative that all of your personal information is updated. Below is a link to our secured site that has the information that you need to complete to be eligible for recruiting efforts.

Thank you so much and looking forward to connecting about these opportunities very soon.

Crisis / Strike Response Opportunities

It can be difficult to find work as a caregiver, tech, or non-clinical healthcare professional with the right team at your back.  We connect you with the right organization for your skill set and make sure you are supported.  We are accepting applications for all specialties.

See current and upcoming opportunities:

How it Works

graphical illustration that summarizes how the hiring process works


Our Clients and Staff Love Us!

Contact Us

If you are an organization, get in touch to learn more about how we can help you prepare for strikes and crises.  If you are a clinical or non-clinical expert and want to learn more about job opportunities, we’d love to hear from you.

All media inquiries can be directed to [email protected]


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